Friday, January 30, 2009

Go Navy!

 1/2 years in the US Navy was... an experience.  Lots of great memories, lots of memories I'd rather forget.  Of course, an experience like this isn't complete without a billion pictures!  All of these pictures were taken during my first 3 years.  I was stationed in Yokosuka, Japan aboard the USS Blue Ridge, which was a command ship used to transfer Marines around.  My job title and rank at the time of being discharge was Engineman 2nd class, which means I spent time working on diesel engines, air conditioners, refrigeration systems, and water distillers.  I really have no clue as to how any of that stuff works, but it still sounds impressive.  I spent my final year in San Diego on the USS Shiloh, but didn't take many pictures of that ship.  Didn't really have a whole lot of fun on that ship to be honest...

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